
  • These sessions are for anyone wanting to improve life with their dog - from building a better relationship, working through confidence issues to learning good management skills to improving extreme human/dog aggression. We will work at you and your dogs pace to get you living a better life together.


    Initial consultation - required for any new clients (from 1-2 hours) - $100*

    In this virtual consultation, we’ll get to know each other and discuss goals and challenges with your dog. You’ll leave this session with actionable steps, notes and resources.

    A la cart in person session - $150*

    4 in person sessions package - $500*

    6 in person sessions package - $750*

    8 in person sessions package - $1000*

    email: to schedule

  • These are not for on going coaching with reactivity/aggression as I prefer to do that in person. BUT if you need some general guidance definitely sign up for a virtual consultation. They usually go for 1-2 hours.

    Pricing -

    1 session - $100

    2 sessions - $175

  • Looking for a boost in your training? Living with a dog whose behavior issues that are too much for you to handle? Can’t face another reactive walk? Want your dog to build healthy habits but just don’t have the damn time! Got a puppy but got no time? Consider day training!

    • This is where you drop the dog off for the day (no overnights) with me to work with them on their challenges (available weekdays only)

    Requirements for first time clients (if we have worked together in person this does not apply) -

    • Initial virtual consultation

    • 1 in person one on one session (minimum).

    Pricing: - all pricing includes a one on one demonatration session with you after sessions are completed.

    5 sessions - $500* - .

    10 sessions - $900* .

    15 sessions - $1350*

    20 sessions - $1800*

    email: to schedule

  • Description text goes hereWhat you'll learn:

    1) Reactivity work doesn’t start out on the streets! It starts at home! We’ll look at your dogs life as a whole and see how we can get them feeling better over all before we even start the process in the world.

    2) You’ll learn your dog better - sounds crazy - you live with them and know them best but I promise you there’s more to learn about who they are and how they are feeling.

    3) So after you know your dog better you can learn how to teach your dog to feel better through communication, connection and support - including specific easy to learn behavior modification protocols.

    4) How to advocate for your dog in the world.

    5) I’ll show you how to implement behavior change in your dog - and get them feeling better about their triggers.

    6) You’ll learn both non emergency and emergency protocols for when you see other dogs out in the world.



    What you’ll get:

    (please note - the in person sessions can be tailored to fit your dogs needs - depending on the level of reactivity).

    1) Initial Intake Zoom (1-2 hours)

    2) In person help (4 total)

    • First session (Highland Park)  - no dog cos you'll be walking mine! Cronuts is a dog reactive dog who now has the skills to be able to handle seeing other dogs out on leash.  Walking her with me will clearly show you how it all works.  

    • Second session - one on one with you, me and your dog at a private neutral place (Sniffspot).  We'll get to know your dog together. 

    • Third session (Santa Clarita Valley) - basic work around other dogs. 

    • Fourth Session - #goals - we’ll take your dog together on a real world walk/hike of your choice . 

      3) Access to an ever growing list of training videos and other helpful resources.

    Who is this for?

    • This is for anyone with a dog who has reactive type feelings about seeing a dog while on leash.

    • This will work best for humans who are willing to put in the work with their dogs on their own as well as when we are together. Behavior change comes with time, work and consistency - I will be there to support you along the way but you have to be willing to put the time in on your own as well.

    • Follow up sessions available and recommended for those at the more extreme end of the spectrum.

    Details -

    Cost: $650 *

    email: to schedule

  • Adopting an adult dog is a BIG DEAL. We create this idyllic picture in our head of this creature who is so grateful to be out of whatever terrible situation they have come from meld perfectly into our loving arms, or behave exactly like our previous (insert breed) who was perfect, but sometimes the reality isn’t quite that simple… and it can be a bit of a stressful time - for BOTH of you!

    I have been working with rescue dogs for over 20 years. I have had HUNDREDS of them come through my home so I got all the tips/tricks/protocols/do’s/don’ts/resources to help get you and your new dog on the right path.

    Details -

    This is a REMOTE offering so anyone can partake -

    $100 for a 1-2 hour zoom session (includes 1 week of follow up texts).*

    $175 for 2 sessions. (Ideally one before you bring the dog home and one after). (includes 2 weeks of follow up texts). *

    email: to schedule

Free discovery phone call.

Not sure what you need? Book a free 20 minute discovery phone call.

You can use this time to ask me questions about my training methodologies and what type of package might be right for you . Please note that this is not a call where we’ll do any specific training, but rather an opportunity for you to ask questions, get to know me, and see if we’re a good fit!

*Terms and Conditions

Payment in full due prior to scheduling session.

All packages are non refundable

24 hour notice required for rescheduling of any session

Sessions expire 3 months after purchase

Guarantees -guaranteed results don’t and shouldn’t exist in any dog training because dogs are sentient beings - it’s like saying if I send my kid to private school they are guaranteed to get into an ivy league college… just not true. BUT what I can promise you is that you will have a better, deeper, more considered relationship with your dog. You and your dog will feel better and when you feel better you act better.